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Monday, February 17, 2014

DIY Protein Shake


  • 1 cupnmilk
  • 1 scoop protein (use good quality) 
  • 1ripe banana 
  • 4-5 fresh strawberries (rinsed and stems removed)


  1. Make sure the blender is off, and then pour the cup of milk into the blender.
  2. Add protein mix, put the lid on the blender and mix the milk and the blender at a medium speed for 15 seconds.
  3. Turn off the blender and add the banana and strawberries, put the lid back on, then blend starting at a medium speed. 
  4. Gradully working up to a higher speed. 
  5. Make sure to blend at least for 45 seconds at the top speed or until the fruit is dissolved. 
  6. Turn off the blender, pour the shake into a glass. 
  7. Enjoy. 

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